All in Multiple Sclerosis

#GivingTuesday 2020

Generosity is what brings people of all races, faiths, and political views together across the globe. Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on.

December Cause Awareness

December may be a small month for awareness but there are some mighty days to shine a lite on. #Givingtuesday is on the first. Donate or show love to your favorite charities or causes. These are special holidays and you will find the monthly, weekly, and daily awareness and health observances for 2020.

Making the invisible visible

Giving the invisible back it’s visibility is part of the reason for my blog. There is an active campaign by invisible disabilities “Invisible No More” that supports the same mission. During invisible illnesses week October 18-24 please check out this campaign and join in to shine light into the dark.

Happy Father's Day

Father’s day 2020 the one where we remember the fathers, their struggles, and celebrate their successes.

Coronovirus and you...

Being a person with a Chronic illnesses I’m sure you are wondering will the virus affect me more and how do I protect myself and/or my family. Also, with my current condition(s) some of the symptoms are Standard Operating Procedures for your body, how do I go about telling the difference.

2020 Cause Awareness Day Calendar

If you’ve ever seen a post on Facebook or Instagram about an awareness day or “National Siblings Day” but didn’t know until you saw the post that it was on that day. Here is the 2020 calendar of possible awareness and miscellaneous days that occur each year and some you may not have been aware of.

New federal rules for emotional support animals on planes

New federal rules for emotional support animals on planes are coming. Which animals are likely to be banned as ESA’s and what rules are they going to place on the rest of them?

Happy Pet Lover's Day!

Today, February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day. Even though they get a bad rap companion (or emotional support) animals are very useful. They give people reasons to get up and someone to cuddle with when they can’t get up. However, some people need a little bit more help and this is where service animals come in. Check this out to get the full differences between the two.

Welcome Back

WELCOME BACK! For those of you that knew me under FAID - Fighting Against Invisible Diseases, I’ve grown and under went a name change. So please stick around for more changes and more informational content.

2019 Cause Awareness Day Calendar

If you’ve ever seen a post on Facebook or Instagram about an awareness day or “National Siblings Day” but didn’t know until you saw the post that it was on that day. Here is the 2019 calendar of ALL possible awareness and miscellaneous days that occur each year and some you may not have been aware of.