All tagged Medication

10 New/Unknown Fibro Treatments

Whether Fibromyalgia is new to you or new to your doctor, there are choices when it comes to medicines and treatments. It is not a one stop shop and do not let the singular ads on TV tell you otherwise. Here are a few that I found are new and several I didn’t know were there. Maybe you will find something new too.

Traveling With Your Medications

You can take most medications on the plane when you travel. But there are some exceptions. Always plan to bring more medication than you expect to use but some restrictions can apply, depending on your destination. Every country has different rules regarding medications you can bring. If you’re traveling abroad, find out your destination country’s rules in advance.

Diabetic Prescription Help

Like all things medicine is sometimes hard to come by. This is something diabetics struggle with on a daily/weekly/monthly basis as their medicine is literally necessary for life. Did you know there was assistance for the cost of insulin?