Traveling With Your Medications

If you’re planning an upcoming trip and you’re not sure what to do about your medications, you’re not alone. One study found that 58% of U.S. travelers take at least one medication on a daily basis. Figuring out what the rules are regarding medications on a plane, or during travel, can be difficult and confusing. 

Here, we’ll break down several common questions about traveling with medications. We’ll also include what steps you can take to help ensure that everything goes smoothly during your trip.

1. What types of medications can I take on a plane?

Most medications are allowed on planes. There are some exceptions, which we’ll cover below. You can choose to carry yours in your checked luggage or carry-on. 

But delays can happen, and luggage can get lost. So, having your medications in your carry-on is the safest option to keep them in your possession. You can always put your extra supply in your checked luggage.

When packing medications in your carry-on, make sure you put them in a separate container and clearly label them. This will help facilitate the screening process at the airport.

When traveling within the U.S., you don’t have to declare your medications unless they’re in liquid form. 

When traveling abroad, each country has different rules. Contact the U.S. embassy of the country you’re going to for any requirements. If you’re unsure, declare your medications anyway. 

Below are some things to know about specific types of medications.


Keep any pills you’re bringing in their original bottles, if possible. If you carry them in a pill case, make sure you have a prescription for them or a note from your healthcare provider. Some destinations might have specific requirements — check what these are ahead of time.

Liquid medications

Usually, when you have liquids in your carry-on, you need to follow the 3-1-1 rule. This rule allows containers that are 3.4 oz or smaller that fit into one quart-sized bag. 

The 3-1-1 rule doesn’t apply to liquid medications. But if you have more than 3.4 oz of liquid medication, you’ll have to declare it to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent at the start of screening. 

Injectable medications

You can bring injectable medications (like an insulin pen or Epipen) in your carry-on. The same goes for diabetes supplies and insulin vials. Make sure to tell the TSA officer that you have diabetes and clearly identify these items.

If you need needles to inject medication, it’s OK to have them in your carry-on. But this is only if you have your injectable medication with them. If you plan to use your medication during the flight, bring a small sharps container to put your used needles in. 


You can bring inhalers on the plane, but you’ll need to declare it at screening. Although not required, labeling them can make checkpoint inspections go smoother. 

Controlled medications

Controlled medications are those that carry a risk of abuse and/or dependency (like opioid pain medications). As such, they’re regulated more strictly. 

You can take controlled prescription medications on the plane. Be sure to bring a note from your healthcare provider explaining what the medication is and what it’s used for. 

Depending on where you’re going, there may be restrictions. Check this ahead of time and work with the country’s local U.S. embassy (if applicable). 

Medical marijuana

Marijuana is a schedule I controlled substance. This makes it the most tightly-regulated type of controlled substance. You can’t bring it on the plane at all. 

But you can bring products containing cannabinoids (substances found in cannabis) if they’re FDA-approved (like Epidiolex) or don’t contain more than 0.3% of THC (a cannabinoid).

But you can bring products containing cannabinoids (substances found in cannabis) if they’re FDA-approved (like Epidiolex) or don’t contain more than 0.3% of THC (a cannabinoid).

2. How do I pack the right amount of medication?

Traveling with medications requires planning. Part of that planning is figuring out how much medication you’ll need so you don’t run out.  

To avoid this, pack more medication than you think you’ll need. This is usually twice as much, but no more than a 90-day supply, unless you’re going on a long trip.

But if you’re traveling abroad, contact the country's local embassy to ask about their regulations. Some countries don’t allow more than a few days supply for certain medications. 

What can you do if you run out of medication anyway?

Ask your healthcare provider for an extra prescription before leaving. This way, you can refill your medication if you run out. If this happens while traveling in the U.S. and you don’t have an extra prescription, contact your healthcare provider right away to get one.

You can also ask the local pharmacy for an emergency refill if your healthcare provider can’t be reached right away. They may be able to give you up to a 30-day supply for certain medications. But this can depend on state law.

If you’re traveling abroad, your prescription may not be honored in another country. If you run out of medication, contact the local U.S. embassy to be connected with local healthcare providers and pharmacies. Avoid buying medications in open markets as they may not be safe.

3. How can I keep medications stored at the right temperature?

Extreme temperatures can affect medications and make them less effective. So, it’s important to take steps that keep them stored properly.

For example, pack your temperature-sensitive medications (like insulin) in your carry-on. This prevents them from getting too cold in your checked luggage. Use insulated travel cases to carry refrigerated medications. Make sure any ice packs are frozen solid as you go through security. Keeping your medications in their original package can also help keep them stored properly. 

Don’t use any medication that starts looking or smelling different during your trip. This may be a sign it’s damaged. If this happens, use your extra prescription to get a refill at a local pharmacy.

4. How can I help my child travel with their medications?

If your child takes medications on a regular basis, a little planning can go a long way to ensure they enjoy their trip safely. 

To start, it may be helpful to take a shorter trip as a trial run before going on a longer one. This can help you figure out how best to prepare. Make sure you teach your child anything they need to know about traveling with their medications.

It’s also important to plan for screening at the airport. Medical supplies like insulin pumps or IV pumps are allowed on planes. If your child uses any of these, go to the airport early and inform the TSA officer at the start of the inspection. 

Ensure their medications are readily accessible to them at all times during the trip. This is especially important if they use rescue medications, like an inhaler or Epipen. 

5. What are some of the most common laws people break when traveling with medication?

Laws about traveling with medications can be tricky. And most confusion happens when traveling abroad. That’s because requirements can change depending on which country you visit. As a general rule, always call your destination’s U.S. embassy or visit their website to get the most updated information. Below are a few common mistakes that you’ll want to avoid.

  • Traveling with too much medication. Some countries restrict how much medication you can bring with you. This is especially the case with controlled substances. You may even be limited to only a few days’ worth of medication.

  • Traveling with banned medications. Some FDA-approved medications are banned in certain countries. For example, you can’t bring pseudoephedrine or stimulant ADHD medications (like Adderall) into Japan.

  • Traveling without proper documentation for controlled medications. Most countries require your healthcare provider’s prescription, ideally translated into the local language. Some countries (e.g., Japan) require you to apply in advance to bring your medications. 

  • Traveling with medical marijuana within the U.S. Medical marijuana is legal in several states, but it’s still illegal at the federal level. So, you can’t carry it across state lines.

The bottom line

Traveling with medications requires some planning ahead, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. 

While rules vary depending on your destination, there are many resources for the information you need to prepare. 

Before traveling with medications, visit the websites of your airline and the TSA. If you’re traveling abroad, contact your destination’s U.S. embassy to confirm that you follow all the rules. Check several sources to confirm the information you find.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Traveling abroad with medicine.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). 21 tips for traveling with diabetes.

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