10 New/Unknown Fibro Treatments

10 New/Unknown Fibro Treatments

Fibromyalgia is still considered new, there are still doctors that don't believe in it. And there are those that believe in it, but still don't know what to do with it. I wanted to touch on a few of the treatments that are new, unknown, or just new to you.


  1. NeuroMetri'x Wearable Neuromodulator (Non-drug treatment)

  2. Savella (3rd Medication approved by FDA)

Current Medications

  1. Lyrica (Pregabalin)

  2. Duloxetine

  3. Milnacipran

Not specific to Fibromyalgia, but helpful

  1. Amitriptyline

  2. Cyclobenzaprine

  3. Gabapentin

  4. Venlafaxine

  5. Fluoxetine

Combinate Me (These combinations of drugs may also be helpful)

  1. Melatonin & Amitriptyline

  2. Fluoxetine & Amitriptyline

  3. Pregabalin & Duloxetine

While there are multiple ways to treat fibro pain there is only one way for you. You may have to kiss a few frogs (swallow a few bad pills) to find the one prince that makes you happy. Make sure you discuss issues with your doctor and as my husband always reminds me, your doctor works for you, not the other way around.  

Recently I was on Gabapentin only. It was working for a while, but not fully. Since it wasn't causing issues my doc suggested we stick with it. This was about a year or 2 until recently I was off it for a while due to insurance changes and overlaps in prescriptions. So when I started it again I realized my blood pressure was higher at night on the days I was taking it. So I suggested a change to my doc. She didn't believe that was the cause, but I stuck with my guns and requested a change. So remember Do What is Right for YOU!

Other resources:

Treatment Approaches for Fibromyalgia
Newest Treatments for Fibromyalgia

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