All tagged MS

Where to find more information? 2023

Got a disease, ailment, or handicap, but don’t know the best place to get more information, free resources or just help. I’m listing (and adding) websites to national organizations for the bulk of the “circumstance that makes progress or success difficult”.

First Steps to Coping With a Chronic Illness

Being diagnosed with anything is scary and overwhelming. Being diagnosed with something you can never get rid of can send you through denial, anger and depression. How do you come out ahead? Use information here to help you to cope.

2020 Cause Awareness Day Calendar

If you’ve ever seen a post on Facebook or Instagram about an awareness day or “National Siblings Day” but didn’t know until you saw the post that it was on that day. Here is the 2020 calendar of possible awareness and miscellaneous days that occur each year and some you may not have been aware of.

2019 Cause Awareness Day Calendar

If you’ve ever seen a post on Facebook or Instagram about an awareness day or “National Siblings Day” but didn’t know until you saw the post that it was on that day. Here is the 2019 calendar of ALL possible awareness and miscellaneous days that occur each year and some you may not have been aware of.

Did you know?

This continuous series is about all the things you wish you knew. It may be to late for the past, but it will definitely help in the future. The goal is to provide information on everything from healthcare assistance to things you may not have known about the things you have. Bare with me and follow along on our journey of exploration.

World MS Day - May 30

World MS Day is officially marked on 30 May each year. Events and campaigns take place throughout the month of May. It brings the global MS community together to share stories, raise awareness and campaign with and for everyone affected by multiple sclerosis.

Pain/Symptom Journal

I’ve found that a symptom journal is necessary to keep track of the changes going on daily/weekly/monthly with my health. In this process I’ve tried digital and manual. I’ve found manual is best for me and this is how I’ve set up my journal to track my daily issues and even good days.