Where to find more information?

Got a disease, ailment, or handicap, but don’t know the best place to get more information, free resources or help? I’m listing (and adding) websites to national organizations for most of the “circumstance that makes progress or success difficult”.

If I miss anything that you are going through go to the contributor page and send me a message with either the ailment or the national website and I’ll tack it in.


Multiple Sclerosis

Ehlers Danlos



Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Pain


Association for Science in Autism Treatment

Autism National Committee (AUTCOM)

Autism Research Institute (ARI)

Autism Science Foundation

Online Safety Guide for People With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Hard of Hearing (Deaf)


Alcohol Awareness

Domestic Violence (North America, UK, Europe, Africa, Asia, South America)

Additional Resources:

Nursing Home Abuse

25 Steps for Estate Planning

Know someone who's double jointed?

Know someone who's double jointed?

A Home by Design: Housing with Accessibility in Mind

A Home by Design: Housing with Accessibility in Mind