Lupus - Take Charge of Your Symptoms

Lupus - Take Charge of Your Symptoms

The more you know about lupus symptoms, the better you’ll be at recognizing when something isn’t right, or when lupus is affecting you in a different way.

Keeping a health journal is one of the best ways to keep track of your symptoms. Having this ongoing record of your symptoms will help your doctors become aware of new or frequent signs of active lupus. It’s also a great way to take charge and play an active role in your own health care.

If you don’t already have a health journal, today is a good day to start one. The more your doctors know, the better they’ll be at treating you.

Can you identify your most recent symptoms?

If you don’t already have a symptom journal use these resources to help you learn how to identify and track your symptoms.

If you want additional ideas on how to create your own Symptom journal you can check out my original post for my pain/symptom journal.

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