Weathering Grief With Healing Goals

Weathering Grief With Healing Goals

Passing through grief may seem like an impossible and endless journey, but you can come out of the ordeal stronger and wiser through progressive steps that promote personal growth. Contemplate these ideas for marching your way out of grief and into a rewarding life again.

Join a Volunteer Group

According to one study, volunteering can boost your sense of well-being better than most activities. Time in a volunteer group puts you in contact with self-sacrificing and empathetic people who can help you process your grief. The work provides a positive reason to avoid isolating yourself and drowning in pity. You can even get essential physical activity as you aid others. Another bonus is that volunteer work looks great on a resume.

Enhance Your Exercise Routine

Finding the time to work out may seem impossible if your schedule is packed with responsibilities. You can squeeze exercise into your workday with a bit of creativity. Consider taking active breaks, such as 10 or 15 minutes for a walk to get your blood flowing. If you can commute by cycling or walking at least part of the route, you may be able to get all of your necessary daily activity. At a minimum, you can increase your steps by skipping the elevator and taking the stairs. If you’re unable to take the stairs, there are other things you can do that aren’t as strenuous. For example, gentle yoga, simple household chores, and gardening are low-impact activities that can keep you moving on a regular basis. 

Spend Time Outside of the Home

A change of scenery can help you to appreciate new possibilities and expand your worldview. Houston has an endless supply of entertaining and educational activities, so consider taking a weekend trip. The Museum of Fine Arts has pieces from around the world, and the Space Center lets you experience a behind-the-scenes look into the exploration of the final frontier.

Relax by taking in a Houston Astros game if you enjoy sports. Check ticket-selling sites to access a 360-degree virtual view of the stadium from various seat locations before you buy. Then you can look for discounts and sort your purchase by price range, date, and seat rating. Let's go Astros!

Reorganize Your Life

Get a sense of control of your environment by cleaning and organizing your home. Cleaning can improve your mood and is another way to add some movement to your routine. You eliminate frustration by not struggling to find necessary items when needed, and you also make your home safer.

You can gain inspiration from doing a deep clean and reorganization as you find items you may have forgotten about that spark your creativity and motivate you to complete old projects. As you encounter mementos that remind you of times before your grief, reflect on your positive experiences and express gratitude to move forward in healing. 

Move on to a Different Career

Life-altering events can help you appreciate the brevity of life. Since so much time and energy is spent at work, consider your career path and ensure you're fulfilling your life's mission. You can advance more quickly if you earn a degree, whether it's a bachelor's, master's, or doctorate.

Online programs allow you to juggle your studies while caring for family obligations and working to cover the bills. Verify that your chosen school is duly accredited and offers competitive tuition rates. For example, economics, accounting, or business degree can lay the foundation to become a personal financial advisor. People always have money concerns, and if you are good with numbers and strategy, this vocation could be a good fit.

Grieving presents continual challenges that test your resolve to keep going. Instead of giving up or giving in, give yourself a reason to live by attaining tangible goals that improve your prospects and lift your spirits.
This post was submitted by Camille Johnson of

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