Pandemic Adaptations That Should Stick Around

Pandemic Adaptations That Should Stick Around

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced millions of people to stay at home. Despite all the hardships it's brought, the pandemic has also helped shape expected standards to be safer and more mindful of the community as a whole. Although more people are getting vaccinated and stay-at-home orders may no longer be necessary, certain adaptations from the pandemic should be permanent moving forward. Subscribe to DearFelicia for more lifestyle insights like the following article.

Focus on Home Repairs and Renovations

Since the pandemic started, people have spent more time inside their homes. This has led to a rise in home renovations and repairs that people would have normally put off. In the last year, kitchens and bathrooms have seen a 40% jump in remodeling inquiries. Although the pandemic may end soon, this boom in home renovations has been good overall as it allows people to focus on important repairs and updating their homes to be more comfortable.

Tracking Your Time Outside

One of the added benefits of the pandemic is having the chance to be outdoors more. You can go out to exercise, explore, or respect the nature that surrounds you. Exercising outside has been proven to reduce stress and provides some much-needed time under the sun.

One way to track your time or exercise outside is with a fitness tracker or smartwatch. This is an excellent way to monitor how many steps you've taken or mark on the map how far you've traveled.

Eating Healthier at Home

The pandemic forced a lot of bars and restaurants to close down. Although things are getting better, many are either still closed or under heavy restrictions, so more people cook at home. A recent study concluded that one in three Americans ate healthier during the pandemic because of this. This also promotes social well-being by having families eat together instead of going out to crowded restaurants.

Creating a Happy Indoor Space

With so much time spent at home, many people have adapted their space for happier, more comfortable living. Staying at home has been proven to prolong loneliness and feelings of isolation. This can be true even if you live with a spouse or family, and it can take some time to get used to not being around others. You can combat loneliness by participating in activities and by focusing on making your home a place you enjoy being in. Some ways to do this include:

  • Make a detailed schedule and stick to it.

  • Create an exercising corner where you can focus on getting fit and healthy.

  • Improve your space by decorating or getting a new piece of furniture.

Learn to Be Happy at Home, Even if You're Not Required to Be There

Although the COVID-19 pandemic brought on many changes and adaptations, it's helped many people learn to be happier at home. The changes you made so staying at home doesn't feel so isolating can be permanent parts of your future.

This post was submitted by Emma Grace Brown of
Images via Pexels

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