October Cause Awareness 2021
Check out October’s awareness and special holidays. Please see them all below and celebrate with those you love, know, yourself and those like you if any of these awareness days hit close to home.
Cyber Security Month
Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Energy Awareness Month
Healthy Lungs Month
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
National ADHD Awareness Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Liver Cancer Awareness Month
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Awareness Month
3-9 Mental Illness Awareness Week
3-9 National Fire Prevention Week
4 World Animal Day
4 World Habitat Day
4-8 Malnutrition Awareness Week
5 World Teachers Day
6 World Cerebral Palsy Day
7 National Depression Screening Day
10 World Mental Health Day
10 World Homeless Day
11 International Day of the Girl
12 World Arthritis Day
15 National Mammography Day
16 World Food Day
17 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
18-22 National Health Education Week
23-31 Red Ribbon Week
29 World Psoriasis Day
31 Halloween