National Youth Violence Prevention Week

National Youth Violence Prevention Week


Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE), an initiative of Sandy Hook Promise, is proud to be a founding partner of the National Youth Violence Prevention Week (NYVPW) Campaign.  Founded in 2001, NYVPW hopes to raise awareness and educate youth and communities on effective strategies to prevent youth violence before it happens.  The campaign is a week-long event with each day of the week corresponding to a specific challenge for communities around the country to unite and youth to share voices that violence can be prevented!

  • Monday, March 30          Know the Signs and SAVE the Day!

  • Tuesday, March 31         Promote Respect and Tolerance

  • Wednesday, April 1        Be an Upstander

  • Thursday, April 2            Resolve Conflicts Peacefully

  • Friday, April 3                  Unite in Action!

Watch how Sandy Hook Promise's "Know The Signs" programs help keep kids safe from gun violence at school and how we continue keeping our Promise. Find out more at

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