National Suicide Prevention Week

National Suicide Prevention Week

In the era of Covid-19, as we all try to protect our mental health and cope with uncertainty, it’s more important than ever that we be there for each other and take steps to prevent suicide. You don’t have to be a mental health professional to make a difference. There are simple things we can all do to safeguard our mental health, and you don’t have to do it alone. From learning the warning signs for suicide and what to do if you are worried someone is struggling, to advocating for smart suicide prevention legislation, to having a #RealConvo about your own or others’ mental health, to bringing education programs to your community, we can all learn new ways to help each other save lives. Together, we #KeepGoing.

#KeepGoing Actions

During National Suicide Prevention Week (September 6-12) we have developed daily actions each of us can take. Please help us amplify on your own channels by resharing from @AFSPnational on all platforms.

Sunday, September 6 - Learn how to care for your own mental health

Monday, September 7 - Have a #RealConvo with someone in your life

Tuesday, September 8 - Reach out to your public officials to demand smart mental health legislation

Wednesday, September 9 - Bring suicide education and support programs to your school, workplace, and community

Thursday, September 10 - Share the warning signs, and learn what research tells us family to do the same

Friday, September 11 - Add crisis resources to your phone, and encourage friends and family to do the same

Saturday, September 12 - Connect suicide loss survivors to healing resources

As always, we welcome you to share content from @AFSPnational. View here for the visual assets to accompany social posts.


Post Copy Option 1 (Post on Sept. 6)

• Today begins #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek. Join us and @AFSPnational as we share actions to #KeepGoing, from learning the warning signs for suicide to advocating for smart suicide prevention legislation. We can all learn new ways to save lives.

Post Copy Option 2 (Post on Sept. 10)

• In recognition of #WorldSuicidePrevention Day, we’re joining @AFSPnational to empower everyone to #KeepGoing by supporting one another and taking steps to prevent suicide. Anyone can make a difference!


Post Copy Option 1 (Post on Sept. 6)

• It’s more important than ever that we be there for each other and take steps to prevent suicide. This #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek, we’re joining @AFSPnational in sharing ways to manage our mental health and support one another. Together, we #KeepGoing.

Post Copy Option 2 (Post on Sept. 10)

• This #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, #KeepGoing with us and @AFSPnational. By learning the warning signs, advocating for smart legislation, and having a #RealConvo, we can all play a role in preventing suicide and saving lives.


Tweet Copy Option 1 (Post on Sept. 6)

• In honor of #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek, we’re joining @AFSPnational in spreading awareness about the warning signs for suicide and learning new ways to help save lives. Together, we #KeepGoing.

Tweet Copy Option 2 (Post on Sept. 10)

• As we all continue to protect our mental health & cope with uncertainty, it’s important that we #KeepGoing one day at a time to support one another & take action to prevent suicide. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay

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World Suicide Prevention Day

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