Eye Exams for Alzheimer’s: Early Detection

Eye Exams for Alzheimer’s: Early Detection

Doctors faced with diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease in their patients can utilize eye exams for help. The disease is a progressive deterioration of brain tissues. Because the eyes mimic the brain, inspecting the minute blood vessels in the eye can help identify the presence of the disease.


Advancements in technology and more research into the causes and effects of Alzheimer’s disease have led to the realization that doctors can confirm a diagnosis by using refined eye examinations.

Recent studies and research strongly link eye health to various conditions, including Alzheimer’s. The eyes are essentially an extension of the brain, and because Alzheimer’s affects the brain and its cognitive functions, eye exams reveal warning signs of the disease.

If some of these conditions are detected early, they can be properly managed or even cured in some cases.

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition and is the most common type of dementia. Since this is a progressive disease, the initial symptoms might include mild memory loss. However, with time, the disease develops and can lead to a decline in mental functions and interfere with your ability to remember, think, and even speak.

Managing and treating Alzheimer’s disease once it’s progressed beyond a certain threshold is costly, and results aren’t a guarantee. As such, early detection is the best way to deal with the disease. Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s diagnosis tests are invasive, expensive, and hard to acquire.

Fortunately, according to a 2019 Ophthalmology Retina study, doctors can employ certain eye exams to detect and diagnose the disease early on. This study, conducted by the Duke Eye Center, is non-invasive and reveals the results in seconds.

How Are Eyes Linked to Alzheimer’s?

In the 2019 study, researchers found changes in the appearance of retinal blood vessels in Alzheimer’s patients. Changes were evident in patients who were in an early stage of the condition.

In general, there’s a direct link between the eyes and various cardiovascular illnesses. In the future, some of these diseases can be diagnosed early, adequately managed, cured, and prevented in some cases. Some of the eye conditions linked with cardiovascular conditions include:

  • Diabetic retinopathy is common in diabetic patients and occurs when high blood sugar levels damage retinal blood vessels.

  • Glaucoma has been linked to conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and poor blood circulation.

  • Age-related macular degeneration is linked to heart disease and related complications.

Researchers believe there is a direct relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and eye conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. They have hope that understanding how these eye diseases impact your cardiovascular and overall health could prove helpful in combating them. In recent times, there have been more studies seeking to understand this relationship.

Can Your Eyes Help Detect Alzheimer’s?        

To find out and read the rest of the article please visit Eye Exams for Alzheimer’s: Early Detection and More

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