Proud to Represent

Proud to Represent

Did you know that premature birth is the #1 killer of babies in the United States?

I'm on a mission to change that. Our family knows firsthand the challenges of having a baby born too soon. We first started walking in 2008 with our daughter. in 2009 the meaning of the walk became all to real when our first son was born at 20 weeks. Being before V-day (Viability at 24 weeks) he was to little to survive. Eventhough we were already planning to continue to raise funds. I've made it a mission to continue every year.

Join us and walk or donate for all the babies born to soon.


Walk MS Houston - Nov 5, 2017

Walk MS Houston - Nov 5, 2017

Invisible symptoms in MS - Momentum Magazine Online

Invisible symptoms in MS - Momentum Magazine Online