Welcome to FAID

Welcome to F.A.I.D - Fighting Against Invisible Diseases

I started FAID originally as a FaceBook page to have a central place to bring awareness to several invisible diseases that meant something to me. At first it was just two, but grew as I realized there were misconceptions for others that were near and dear to me. I have since also started a Pinterest Board, voice my views on Twitter and lastly started this blog. I was using my personal blog for some things, but I felt as I'm campaigning multiple issues I need one platform the is united with the name as the others are.

I wanted to take the time to welcome you in my first post in hopes that you feel that this isn't just another ploy to exploit money or another money hungry corporation, but an individual looking to raise awareness for multiple issues that mean something to me. And if I also raise funds for organizations I know have worked to support and create change for these illnesses than that's just icing on the cake.


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